The music classroom


  • Ana Isabel Lorenzo Yanes Universidad de La Laguna
  • Dácil Esther Racionero Llorente



Classroom, Didactic Space, Educational Space.


The architectural configuration, spatial distribution and material equipment of the environment in which teachers and students interact reflects an implicit educational model whose influence on activities, experiences and learning deserves to be considered. Taking this into account, we wanted to contrast the existing reality with the recommendations regarding the classroom pattern of Music proposed by the Administration. The objective of this work is to study and describe in an objective, systematic and critical way the spatial environment in which Music Education is developed and to derive from it some considerations and recommendations in order to improve the quality of teaching. The suggested proposals, as a result of contrasting the reality of the environment with the suggestions of the Administration, advise the adoption of measures tending to remedy the deficiencies detected. In order to optimize resources, the Administration should attend both the provision of material and training of teachers, and the improvement of the space conditions where Music Education is taught, especially nowadays, when we are immersed in a period of Construction and renovation of the centers to adapt the buildings to the new Educational Stages. We also understand that the proposals formulated must be taken as such, constituting an orientation that must be analyzed, valued and weighted by the educational community and by the Administration, since only then do we believe that it could contribute to improving the quality of education.


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Zabala, A. (1995): La práctica educativa. Cómo enseñar. (col. El lápiz) Barcelona: Graó.

MEC: Primaria. Orientaciones didácticas. Madrid: Ministero de Educación y Ciencia.

MEC (1992): Primaria. Área de Educación Artística. Madrid: Ministero de Educación y Ciencia

Dirección General de Ordenación e Innovación Educativa (1994): Secuencia de objetivos, contenidos, y criterios de evaluación para cada ciclo de la Educación Primaria. Boletín Oficial de Canarias el 10-1-94






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