The Musical Culture of the Carnival of Cadiz in the Musical Education of the students of 3rd Cycle of Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education


  • Ángel Müller Gómez Universidad de Cádiz



Musical Culture, Cadiz Carnivals, Music Education.


This is the summary of the Doctoral Thesis Project of the same name, approved on April 27, 1998, by the Doctoral Commission of the University of Cadiz, and directed by Dr. Mª Angustias Ortiz Molina and Dr. D Félix Angulo Rasco. As a summary of this communication, we present the objectives to be achieved with the completion of this Doctoral Thesis: Basic Objective: To analyze comparatively the relationship that may exist between the Music Culture of Carnival and Music Education in Cadiz.


Actas de los 11 Seminarios/Congresos de Carnaval celebrados en Cádiz. 1986-1996. Aula de Cultura del Carnaval

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