The relationship of the school with the Music class: a case study in a school in Florianópolis, Brazil


  • Teresa Da Assunçao Novo Mateiro UDESC Brasil
  • Jusamara Vieira Souza UDESC Brasil
  • Liane Hentschke UDESC Brasil



Florianópolis, Music Education Research, Music Education in Brazil.


The present study aims to relate the research developed so far, entitled "The relation of the school to the music class: a case study in a school in Florianópolis, Brazil". The research line of this work aims to describe the daily life of the chosen school in its sociological aspects to, from its results, contribute to the implementation of curricular programs of musical education. Having as a research field a public school in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, this study aims to: a) investigate the relationships between the administration and the teachers of the school, with the music class; B) analyze how the institutional conditions of the school can influence or influence the application of music teaching; And c) provide sociological support for the implementation of curricula in music education. The realization of this project was made from ethnographic techniques and perspectives, such as observations, stories and interviews. At first, a description of the profile of the school was made and then we investigated how the relationship of the music class with administrative positions and with the classroom teachers of the first four years of basic education is realized. Because a fairly extensive material has been collected, it has not yet been possible to complete the analysis of all the data. For this discussion, the data of the interviews with the primary teachers were selected, which are the most significant in relation to the reality of the music classes, their daily life and the teachers' opinion about their role in The training of students.

Author Biographies

Teresa Da Assunçao Novo Mateiro, UDESC Brasil

Departamento de Música

Jusamara Vieira Souza, UDESC Brasil

Departamento de Música

Liane Hentschke, UDESC Brasil

Departamento de Música


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