An experience of approach to action research in the area of Elementary Music Education


  • Aurelia Pimentel Lorente C.P. Fuente Santa (Colmenar Viejo, Madrid)



Music Education, Primary Education, Music Education Research.


This communication describes a Research Action process carried out in the area of Music Education at a Primary Education School in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The group in charge of the investigation has been formed by the director of the Center, the president of the A.P.A. As well as the specialist teacher in the area. Actions have been undertaken in order to respond to the diversity detected in the musical area. These actions have included the implementation of a library-music library in the center with a loan service as well as attendance at concerts and the organization of extracurricular activities related to the area. After carrying out these activities, the parents' opinion on the matter was again investigated in order to plan new actions for the next school year.


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