Music and Solidarity with the Peoples


  • José Luis Real Valcárcel CEIP Artemi Semidán



Musical Culture, Sociology, Racialization, Solidarity, Socialization.


The demands of the Logse take us more and more day to be sensitized before a world that leaves our more immediate borders. On the other hand, when we talk about "diversity", we have to take into account that very close to us there are people, neighborhoods, groups with many needs that many times go unnoticed by the lack of just sensitivity. At the educational level, our objectives and contents must be marked by a sense of plurality, respect for other cultures, involvement in the projects and needs of those who are beyond our space, and even those who are very close Of us suffer the consequences of serious problems in terms of work, social, cultural ... The spirit of the LOGSE on these cross-cutting concrete issues is very explicit. We, the educators, have a great responsibility as transformers of the society, putting into practice and to the reality this spirit. The present work therefore aims to provide some basic guidelines for the creation and organization of Didactic Units and / or musical activities where these transversal aspects are contemplated. On the other hand, these Units and / or activities, achieve other objectives Important contents, globalization of Music content, with other areas such as Knowledge of the Environment, Plastic, etc ... We will be interested in selecting first a village or a neighborhood with specific special needs, with very peculiar and curious socio-cultural characteristics. We will make an analysis (not too deep) of their difficulties, their identity, ... Then we can contrast our reality with theirs. Music is in itself an ideal instrument for socialization, and therefore brings together All the basic characteristics ideal for teaching these contents in a distant, playful, joyful, ... in a proper way, avoiding tensions, polishing attitudes of rejection, racism or xenophobia, sensitizing, mentalizing ... Didactics, with clearly socializing educational intentions. We must take into account some methodological aspects, such as grouping and involvement of students in action; An organization of the space appropriate to this great activity; A great interaction between students and teacher-student, also involving families ... These aspects and others, such as the good use of the materials and resources provided by new technologies, will serve to make this type of U.D. Which take into account the "transforming society" responsibility we have educators, and the great possibilities that the musical contents have for this work.


Trianes Torres, MºV. (1996): Educación y Competencia Social. Málaga: Ediciones Algibe.

Diaz Aguado, M.J. (1992): Educación y desarrollo de la tolerancia. Vol. 3, MEC.

Castán Lanapsa, G., Cuesta Fernández, R. y Fernández Cuadrado, M. (1990): Unidad Didáctica: "Trabajo, Paro y Ocio", Cuadernos Pedagogía.






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