Reflections on the learning of guitar in Spanish Music Education. Proposed action


  • Julio Sánchez Universidad de Extremadura
  • Pilar Barrios Universidad de Extremadura
  • Francisca De Dios Universidad de Extremadura
  • Rosario Guerra Universidad de Extremadura
  • Francisco Rodilla Universidad de Extremadura



Music Education, Instrumental Education, Classical Guitar, Spanish Music Education.


This communication deals with the problems that arise in the diversity of roles of guitar students according to the different centers and levels, such as: student-guitarist accompaniment, guitarist by figure or exagrama, guitarist of conservatory, Guitarist of flamenco and alumnoguitarrista of new musics (Jazz, Blues, Rock, etc.). After this first analysis, it proposes different proposals of action for the teaching-learning of the guitar in the musical formation of the individual in the different educational levels, based on the following points: - It is an ideal polyphonic instrument for accompaniment of the voice, as well as Of other melodic instruments (flute sweet, melodic, harmonica ...). - The beginning of this learning can take place at the young age of four or five years. - Encourages the participation of music by creating groups such as rondallas, tunas, etc ... 3.- Approach to address the issue of diversity. - To approach the professional student to popular music. - Give a more scientific character to the accompanying guitar learning. - Unify in a way all the mentioned profiles.






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