The research in Music Education: perspectives from the Department of Didactics of Music and Body Expression of the Faculty of Teacher Training of the University of Barcelona


  • Mari-Àngels Subirats Universidad de Barcelona



Musical Expression, Corporal Expression, Teacher Training.


Research is one of the functions of teachers located in a University Department. In the case of research in the field of Music Education, there is now much more opportunity than before to be able to investigate in this field, this is because the LOGSE contemplates Musical Education as a compulsory subject in the Primary School Curriculum and High school. So also teachers have the opportunity to investigate in this field. Their research must be integrated into the work of each day since the work of teacher entails a continuous change in a desire for improvement and improvement. From our Department, we would like to instill in our students, future teachers, the idea that research is not only the work of scientists but that they can do it in the classroom itself. We also have the opportunity to work with PhD students in the "Music and its Didactics" program and, from this program, to initiate new research work in the line of research -action in the classroom that seems very suitable to be done by the teachers.

Author Biography

Mari-Àngels Subirats, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de Didàctica de la Expresión Musical y Corporal






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