The teaching of music didactics


  • Assumpta Valls Casanovas Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



Teaching Didactics, Music Education, Music Teaching, Music Education.


The present study is an analysis of the teaching-learning process of Music Teaching in the context of initial training, through the classes that the teacher herself performs with the teachers of the specialty in Music Education. The intention of this investigation can be summarized in the following purposes: I. Describe the process of learning the didactics of music that students follow in their initial formation. II To determine how the teacher should teach music didactics to be understandable and meaningful to the students of initial formation. To carry out the analysis I have been based on methodologies of qualitative research and especially in the research-action model. The sources have been the class videos, the class diary and the interviews with the students. The results, as a result of the reflection and contrast between the mentioned sources, are presented in different forms: in some subjects as an ordered and reasoned exposition of the elements involved in the teaching-learning process, in other cases it is formulated in an open and Reflective the doubts and questions that could generate new works, and finally also make proposals of some criteria to apply in the teaching of the didactics of music in teacher students in the specialty of musical education.

Author Biography

Assumpta Valls Casanovas, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal


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