The Kodály method and the training of music teachers


  • Marco Lucato Universidad de Vigo



Teacher Training, Music Teachers, Music Education.


In this paper, we want to expose the need of permanent training of music education teachers in order to learn new notions and techniques, to develop new didactic abilities and make an effort to give an answer to the society requests. We expose how teachers of music education have felt the necessity of both learning and using alternative methodologies for music teaching, and we also give an interpretation of Z. Kodály's thought and its application to the nowadays situation about music education in Spanish Primary Schools.

Author Biography

Marco Lucato, Universidad de Vigo

Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal


Planes Anuales de Formación Permanente del Profesorado ( M.E.C. 1995/ 96).Informes del M.E.C. sobre Formación del Profesorado números 3, 6 y 10. Diversos artículos sobre la Formación Permanente del Profesorado publicados en Cuadernos de Pedagogía.

Mangione G. 1981 " La riscoperta della Musica attraverso il metodo Kodály"

Szöny E. (1976): " La educación Musical en Hungría a través del Método Kodály". Editorial Corvina

Szöny E. (1976): "Zoltán Kodály il Compositore!" Universitá Estiva Artistica "Ansa del Danubio". Esztergom.


