Is there a didactics of the musical instrument?


  • María Cecilia Jorquera Jaramillo Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña



Instrument Didactics, Instrumental Training, Music Education.


In order to establish whether it is possible to formulate an instrumental didactic, it will be necessary first to examine some positions, in particular what is offered by the tradition of instrumental teaching and what is proposed by the debate and research in the field of Pedagogy on the same subjects . Precisely, the interest in instrumental didactics is relatively recent, despite the breadth of texts on each specific instrument, in which it is possible to read between the lines the Didactics of each author, that is, their implicit theory. If we take into account that Didactics is a knowledge that studies the practice of teaching-learning, we could then begin to delineate a possible definition of what could be understood by instrumental didactics.


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