The audition, first phase for the musical appreciation


  • María José Marín Universidad de Sevilla



Listening, Music Appreciation, Music Education.


Musicality could be defined as the ability to create and interpret music in an imaginative, sensitive and sometimes original way. If one goes deeper into this definition, one could say that it is not only a question of creation and interpretation (unquestionable facts), but must first be applied to the ability to relate to the musical phenomenon, without the need to perform any further musical act , More than the enjoyment and medium understanding of MUSICAL HEARING. As Aaron Copland said, "if you learn to understand music better, the most important thing to do is listen to it" (COPLAND, 1985: 23). The sense of sight is always more important, when the deaf seem to experience more separation from the world than the blind. We take care of the organ of sight more than the ear, without taking into account that it is a very delicate organ that can damage the high levels of noise pollution that we suffer at present and that can cause irreparable damages.


COPLAND, A. (1985) Cómo escuchar música (2ª ed) México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

MARTENOT, M. (1995) "Principios fundamentales de formación musical y su aplicación". Música y Educación, 55. 168-195.

MANEVEAU, G. (1993) Música y Educación. Madrid: Rialp.


