The musical appreciation and the formation of the listener


  • Rosario Samper Rodríguez Universidad de Sevilla



Music Appreciation, Listener Education, Music Education.


Traditionally and to date, almost all the time and resources used in musical training have been devoted to two aspects of obvious importance such as musical creation, centered on the figure of the composer and interpretation, centered on the figure of the interpreter. Instead, the necessary dedication to a third aspect of ultimate transcendence has been avoided in any artistic manifestation. We are referring to the appreciation of the work, centered on the listener. The perception, the affective valuation and the intellectual awareness of any artistic product form the third link of the chain to which in rare occasions, and still less in the musical field has been dedicated the due attention. It is not excessively strange in the world of the plastic arts, the proposition of some more or less complex notions that help the individuals who begin, say, in painting or sculpture, directed towards the understanding and appreciation of works , As mere receivers of the same, although this has never been the fundamental content of teaching. But even more rarely has this happened with regard to musical works of art.


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