Musical Training and Job Training in the Superior Degree of Music, or The Dilemma between the Artistic and Professional in the Conservatories


  • Alejandro Vicente Conservatorio Profesional "Ángel Barrios" de Granada
  • José Luis Aróstegui Universidad de Granada



Music Education, Higher Grade of Music, Conservatory.


The musical formation of the studies of special regime education of the conservatories is formed on the one side of an artistic facet that guarantees the preservation of the western musical tradition, and on the other of the usefulness that the qualifications issued must have for the labor field. It is in this dilemma between the artistic and the professional - different areas that are not necessarily opposed - where future interpreters, composers, teachers and researchers who form in the conservatories develop their professional identity. With the promulgation of the L.O.G.S.E. In 1990 began an educational reform that includes the whole educational system, including the musical teachings of conservatories. This reform was intended not only to overcome the educational deficiencies of the system at the time of its publication, thirteen years ago, but above all to respond to the demands of the future that were anticipated at that time. Once the process of implementing the curriculum of these studies is completely finished in most of the country seems the time to know what is happening in our music education centers and what our students are learning.


