Teacher competences and previous experiences of the student: Meeting points for the change in the Music Classroom


  • José A. Rodríguez-Quiles y García Universidad de Granada




Music Teacher, Music classroom, Competencies of the Music Teacher.


That music surrounds our lives wherever we are is something beyond discussion. The radio wakes us up in the morning of our deep sleep and now accompanies the new day with fashionable songs, with hourly signals, with breaking news ... Soon after, the morning symphony of the domestic appliances (toothbrush machine, toothbrush Electric, coffee machine, toaster, microwave ...) until we jumped out of the door in the direction of work and we started talking to each other or we were still plugged into the car radio until we reached our destination. And so on and on, always surrounded by loud and weak noises and sounds, long and short, sharp and grave ... from all directions; Pleasant ones, unbearable others, chasing us throughout the day wherever we are. It is what shapes our usual sound landscape. Who can stop this? Who can withstand this contamination without their auditory and nervous systems not resenting? As a measure of protection, people have learned to differentiate between hearing and listening; Between sharpening the ear when something interests us and not paying attention to what we do not care.


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