Change of model in the training of teachers of Music teaching


  • Rodrigo Checa Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Córdoba



Music Teachers, Music Teacher Education, Music Education.


The challenge facing music education today is the modernization of the procedures to be followed by higher education centers for the training of interpreters, researchers and teachers of music. To this end, they have a series of mechanisms that have been established in a general way and that are framed within the general parameters of the educational system, designed for all the teachings, which place the specialized teaching of music at the same level of Requirement than the rest. In this sense, the improvement of the quality of teaching sought with the 1990 reform established a set of factors that favored the achievement of this goal, establishing one of the most important of which is the qualification and training of teachers (MARCHESI, 1999 ). This point, which in other teaching did not represent a significant advance, in the case of Music Teaching has to be considered as a decisive element. In the present article the main innovations of these teachings that affect the formation of the teaching staff will be exposed. These range from the requirement of a new professional profile to the establishment of a modern specialty of pedagogy in the Superior Conservatories of Music. All this is aimed at achieving one of the most current goals: improving the quality of music teaching. This means that the higher schools must assume responsibility for the renewal of the education system and that the educational authorities must promote the necessary measures that allow the proper implementation of the higher level of the teaching of music.


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