Traditional music in higher education; Current situations, possibilities and future challenges of a necessary training route


  • Josep Maria Vilar Instituto de Educación Secundaria D’AURO, Santpedor (Barcelona)



Música tradicional, educación superior, grado superior de música.


This paper seeks to provide an approach to the possibilities that the curriculum of the higher degree in music based on the LOGSE offers for the study of traditional music. It makes a revision of what the different territorial curricular developments and the diverse conservatories ? especially the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya ? have considered as traditional music, in the light of the traditional and the popular as well with reference to their own traditions and those of others. Moreover, it takes into account the specificity of this music because of its special social significance and its presence in some conservatories primarily conceived for other purposes. Thus, it seems advisable to be especially cautious in the implementation processes.


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