Music teachers in a rural context. A qualitative study in the Northwest of Jaén –Spain-


  • Azahara Arévalo Galán C.E.I.P. “Duque de Rivas” de Córdoba



Music Education, Rural Education, Motivation, Teacher Thinking.


Among other factors, education is influenced by the place where the teacher works. Analysis of the teachers’ perception on the context where they teach is an important factor that brings significant information for evaluating the pupils’ results. Lack of motivation to music teaching and its repercussions are factors influencing the educational practice. This article is an approach to the thought of a selected group of music teachers working at a rural context in the Northwest of Jaen –Spain. The goal is to reflect on the environment influence, training, musical aspirations, resources, characteristics and climate of the classroom, relationship of the school with other institutions, teacher’s function.


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