Quality of life of music students at the Conservatory of Music of Aragón


  • Silvia Tripiana Muñoz Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón




Quality of Life, Conservatory, Music Education.


This study evaluates the quality of life of music students at Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón, in Spain. The goal is to prove if the interest for the music increases their quality of life and if this fact is well evaluated by the students. Several important dimensions of the quality of life were analyzed (interpersonal relationships; material well-being; personal development; emotional well-being; integration/presence in the community; physical well-being; self-determination; human rights); through the Quality of Life in Teenager Students Assessment Questionnaire by Gómez Vela & Verdugo. Results show that quality of life of the music students is good and quite remarkable.


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