Didactic Resources for Music Education for children 0-6 Years Old


  • Miriam Ballesteros Egea Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • María García Sánchez Academia de Música Amadeus (Albacete)




Music Education, Early Childhood Education, Musical Activities.


In this essay we intend to help music early childhood teachers. In order to do this, we provide a series of methodological proposals containing specific activities of our own. Moreover, we consider it essential that both parents and teachers know the benefits of studying music from an early age for personal comprehensive development. These resources must be selected regarding the ages and individual personalities of the children, who easily learn and assimilate all they receive. In order to carry out these activities, we take into account the didactic objectives that we want to reach at each moment, dealing with the two fundamental axes of music teaching: perception and expression.


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