Intercultural Music Education in Secondary Schools: Assessment of a Learning Management System


  • Manuel Jesús Espigares Pinazo IES Profesor Juan Bautista de El Viso del Alcor (Sevilla)
  • Rafael García Pérez Universidad de Sevilla



Secondary Education, Information and Communication Technologies, Virtual Learning Platforms, Blended-learning.


This paper presents the results of an investigation conducted in a Compulsory Secondary Education school. It studies an ad hoc design for the curriculum of Music using Moodle, a learning management system (LMS). We perceived that this LMS increases the potential of realizing the values of a multicultural society, based on communication and understanding. It also allows collaborative work, constructive learning and communication within and outside the classroom. The LMS used supports the creation of a learning community for students of the school. We analyze the quality of the design of this tool by interdisciplinary experts (Music Education, Pedagogy, Psychology and Computer Engineering). To study the impact on student learning, we analyzed responses to three Likert scales covering attitude, work and learning with the LMS. The means obtained in the evaluation of the impact design offers very high values. By using the Moodle system, we promote the use of diverse software for editing scores, recording the students’ music lessons in audio and video and we enhance communication through several chats and forums. The results are satisfactory as regards the evaluation of the quality and educational impact. We propose the dissemination of this positive experience in music learning with ICT and its development through broader virtual learning communities, promoting values for a global and inclusive society.

Author Biography

Rafael García Pérez, Universidad de Sevilla

Dto. Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación


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