Some formal education approaches in no regulated music education institutions: the music schools in the Sociedades Musicales Valencianas (Valencian Music Societies)


  • Remigi Morant Navasquillo Universitat de València



Music Schools, Formal and Non-Formal Music Education, Educational Project.


Music society schools represent the largest informal educational platform in Valencia Community. For the most part, these schools conduct their programs with formal approaches that reproduce those found in regular conservatories. This essay examines this fact, analyzing the reasons that these schools behave in this way, and proposing actions that can improve the model of non-formal schools. The research employs an integrated methodology of analysis using quantitative and qualitative techniques. It is based on four surveys with management teams and teachers in music schools and conservatory teachers who teach elementary level music studies. The sample for the first survey is more than 20% of the total population of music schools and in the other a significant sample. Processing and data analysis was performed using qualitative and quantitative treatment programs. The findings confirm that schools generally reproduce conservatory approaches, and explain the reasons that they operate in this way while making proposals for improvement for this school model. Finally, we propose suggestions for further research that will also contribute to the significant improvement of the music schools network.

Author Biography

Remigi Morant Navasquillo, Universitat de València

Dpt. Didàctica de l'Expressió Musical, Plàstica i Corporal


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