AudioGraphics: Implementation and Evaluation of a Computer Program for the learning of Mathematical Interpretation and Representation of Two-Axis Graphics through Music and Sound


  • Alicia Venegas Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Jesús Tejada Universidad de Valencia
  • Rodrigo Cádiz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Patricio De la Cuadra Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Tomás Thayer U. CC. de la Educación de Santiago
  • Alberto Lecaros U. CC. de la Educación de Santiago
  • Mirko Petrovich U. CC. de la Educación de Santiago



Semiotic Representation, Musical Representation, Mathematical Representation, Mathematics Education, Information and Communication Technologies.


In this work, we approach the design, implementation and evaluation of AudioGraphics, a modular computer program intended to provide activities relating mathematics to music and sound. The goal in designing this program was to facilitate mathematic representation learning processes by having pupils draw coordinates on a two-axis graphic representing the variation of sound frequency thru time (pitch patterns). AudioGraphics was designed to pupils aged 9, 10 and 11 in Elementary Chilean Schools. To carry out this work, we followed a thre-stages method: 1) generating significative metaphores relating two-axis graphic representations and sound. 2) Development of a functional prototype with a didactic guide, that passed a usability evaluation process. 3) Assessment of AudioGraphics by teachers and pupils (this last shown here). Pupils’ results of assesment (N=67) at three Chilean prioritary centres show an excelent reception of the computer program. Dimensions of evaluation –math learning, music learning, global and technical- have shown high scores. Furthermore, evaluation shows an excelent positive emotional balance: pupils felt more positive emotions than negative ones in working with the program. This could be an indicator of validation in respect of dimensions aforementioned.

Author Biography

Jesús Tejada, Universidad de Valencia

Dpto. Didáctica Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal


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