Aural Identification of Musical Harmonic Intervals: a Teaching Innovation Proposal Based on Observational Methodology


  • Imma Ponsatí Ferrer Conservatorio de Música Isaac Albéniz de Gerona
  • Joaquim Miranda Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Miquel Amador Guillem Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Pere Godall Castell Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



Musical Harmonic Intervals, Auditory Identification of Musical Intervals, Musical Auditory Skills, Music Didactics.


This article showcases a study that aims to detect and analyse the difficulties experienced by students when attempting to aurally identify musical harmonic intervals while using normal strategies. Observational methodology has been used in this investigation. A sample group of 29 music theory students (ranging from 11 to 15) in their first year of a six year professional course at the Music Conservatory of Girona (Spain), volunteered to be individually filmed whilst doing an aural test consisting of the harmonic intervals m3, M3, m6 and M6. Following the presentation of these harmonic intervals to the students and in accordance with the standard procedure used in the execution of this activity, they were asked several oral questions which required a spoken and/or a sung answer. By observing the types of answers they gave, it was possible to detect the exact moment when mistakes were made and the nature of these mistakes. An awareness of those most common and problematic aspects, which often impede or hinder students from being able to successfully carry out this task, has subsequently guided us through the creation of an innovative teaching proposal which we refer to as AIMHI (Aural Identification of Musical Harmonic Intervals) and which we will present at the end of this article.


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