Music also Matters: Combining Math and Music in the Classroom


  • Albert Casals Ibáñez Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Carmen Carrillo Aguilera Universidad Internacional de Cataluña
  • Cristina González-Martín Universidad de Barcelona



Didactics of Music, Didactics of Mathematics, Elementary School, European Project.


The close and historical relationship between music and mathematics is well known. In fact, many musicians and scientists have highlighted existing connections between both disciplines. In contrast, there are very few contributions, experiences, and teaching materials that link the two disciplines in schools, particularly in the Spanish context. This article sheds light on this situation. For this purpose, we describe, on the one hand, the state of the art at an international level and, on the other hand, the limited academic production available in Spanish. Taking this reality as a starting point, the project European Music Portfolio: Sounding Ways into Mathematics is presented. This European project seeks to cover this deficit using a pedagogical perspective that goes beyond the narrowness of the disciplines, which still occupies a predominant position. Based on existing school experiences, this project aims to outline good practices, create materials and activities, and design teacher training courses at a European continental level. Finally, the article concludes by arguing in turn the interest and potential of the project given the current socio-political context and educational scenario in Spain.

Author Biographies

Albert Casals Ibáñez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Cristina González-Martín, Universidad de Barcelona

Facultad de Formación del Profesorado


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