New music notations in the saxophone repertoire at the Conservatoires of Music in Andalusia


  • B. Zagalaz Lijarcio Conservatorio Superior de Música "Rafael Orozco" de Córdoba
  • A. B. Cañizares Sevilla Universidad de Córdoba
  • R. Ortega Ruiz Universidad de Córdoba



New graphies, Graphic Innovations, Sound Innovations, Saxophone Repertoire, Higher Musical Education, Andalusia.


This article presents a content analysis of the state of references of the new spellings of contemporary music in the programming of courses for the training of saxophone players at four Music Conservatories in Andalusia. This documentary study, conducted by means of content analysis, permits the detection of conceptual references concerning notational innovations at the curricular level, their role in the training plan, and significance of this repertoire in selected centers. Each center’s discrepancies were obtained first by regarding the treatment of the curriculum of contemporary music. Secondly, a database was set up to configure a catalog of works for saxophone with new spellings, a resource that will help teachers choose the appropriate repertoire for their teaching. Finally, it is necessary [to formulate?] from the specification of sound / graphics innovations: what we wish to teach to meet the demands of contemporary music, and accordingly, select the repertoire. Following these, and with reference to the psychoeducational guidance on reading atonal music that optimizes the formation of the instrumentalist, we offer guidelines for improving instructional design in higher education programs for musicians.

Author Biographies

A. B. Cañizares Sevilla, Universidad de Córdoba

Dto. Educación Artística y Corporal

R. Ortega Ruiz, Universidad de Córdoba

Departamento de Psicología


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