El lai “Si bé, Fortuna, has dat lo torn”: Edició crítica del poema en català de la novel·la "Triste deleitación"
https://doi.org/10.7203/MCLM.6.13944Palabras clave:
Medieval Catalan poetry, Castilian sentimental fiction, Triste deleitación, fifteenth century poetry, Pere Torroella, Catalan lai, Mossèn Navarro, Ramis, philological editionResumen
The Castilian novel Triste deleitación, written in the late fifteenth century by an author from the Crown of Aragon,
includes several letters and poems. One of these poems, “Sy bé, Fortuna, as dat lo torn”, is written in Catalan. This article
presents the poem’s annotated critical edition, which reports how it is indebted to the Catalan lyrical tradition. Written
in an evolved form of the French lai cultivated by various Catalan poets, the poem is clearly influenced by Pere Torroella’s
lai “Qui volrà veure un pobre estat”, and linked to two other similar lais also dependent on Torroella’s. This edition is
completed by a translation into modern Catalan.
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