Memory written on bones: From 'funus' rites to the osteobiography of Valentia


  • Elisa García-Prósper Grupo Paleolab®
  • Manuel Polo-Cerdá Grupo Paleolab®



funerary archaeology, palaeopathology, paleo diet, isotopes, Valentia


The Roman necropolis in Carrer Quart in Valencia (Spain) is the city’s oldest known cemetery, dating from between the second century BC and third century AD. Based on its archaeological and bioanthropological analysis, we examine various hitherto unknown issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. By using isotopic archaeochemistry, various aspects, such as those concerning funerary practices, social stratification, paleodemography, quality of life, and the impact of disease, food, and the subsistence economy, as well as population mobility, have enriched our knowledge of the landscape of the old town. Science and memory converge in Valentia through the culture and traditions documented in the funerary ritual (funus valentiae).


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Author Biographies

Elisa García-Prósper, Grupo Paleolab®

PhD in archaeology from the University of Valencia, university expert in forensic anthropology from the Complutense University of Madrid and researcher for Grupo Paleolab®, a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the bioanthropological study of archaeological human remains, to the forensic anthropology of human rights, and to scientific dissemination (Spain).

Manuel Polo-Cerdá, Grupo Paleolab®

PhD in Medicine from the University of Alacant, university expert in Forensic Anthropology from the Complutense University of Madrid, associate researcher for Grupo Paleolab®, forensic medical doctor and anthropologist attached to the Anthropology and Forensic Dentistry Unit of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Valencia. Tenure-track 2 Lecturer of Criminology at the Catholic University of Valencia in the Criminology Degree (Spain).


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How to Cite

García-Prósper, E., & Polo-Cerdá, M. (2020). Memory written on bones: From ’funus’ rites to the osteobiography of Valentia. Metode Science Studies Journal, (10), 77–89.
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The memory of bones. Science at the service of history


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