Exploring radiation measurement after Fukushima: When media ecology meets citizen science


  • Yasuhito Abe Komazawa University




citizen science, media ecology, Marshall McLuhan, Fukushima, radiation-measuring


While various scholars have investigated the role of citizens in generating scientific data after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster under the labels of citizen science and citizen sensing, this essay draws on media ecology and explores its potential theoretical usefulness for enhancing our understanding of post-Fukushima citizen science practices. Taking Marshall McLuhan’s perspective of technology as a medium, this article creates a theoretical framework for foregrounding the role of a measurement device (of radiation levels, in this case) in extending its user’s body and mind. In doing so, this essay attempts to contribute to the fields of media studies and Science, Technology, and Society (STS).


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Author Biography

Yasuhito Abe, Komazawa University

He currently works as senior lecturer at the Faculty of Global Media Studies of Komazawa University, Japan. His research involves citizen science after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011.


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How to Cite

Abe, Y. (2022). Exploring radiation measurement after Fukushima: When media ecology meets citizen science. Metode Science Studies Journal, (12), 41–45. https://doi.org/10.7203/metode.12.17642
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Citizen science. Society takes centre stage
