Violent Universe. High-energy astrophysics and cosmology in the twenty-first century


  • Manel Perucho Pla University of Valencia (Spain).
  • José Antonio Font Roda University of Valencia (Spain).



We see the sky and admire its regularity and stability, its apparent immutability. We have always done so; it does not come as a surprise, since humans have always been startled by any change in the sky, associating it with omens or the mood swings of gods. At that time, they might call these changes «new stars», even if they were, for example, a supernova explosion, as in the case of Tycho’s supernova in the sixteenth century.


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Author Biographies

Manel Perucho Pla, University of Valencia (Spain).

Tenured professor of Physics of the University of Valencia (Spain). His research focuses on the study of relativistic fluids in different astrophysical scenarios using relativistic hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics numerical simulations. Among the scenarios he studies, there are the jets generated in active galactic nuclei or in binary X-ray or gamma ray stars. He has been the main researcher in different proposals of supercomputer calculations and of an international observation project with the Russian space telescope Radioastron.

José Antonio Font Roda, University of Valencia (Spain).

Tenured professor of Physics of the University of Valencia (Spain). His field of research is relativistic astrophysics. He studies, particularly, neutron stars, black holes and gravitational radiation, using computational tools such as relativistic hydrodynamics or magnetohydrodynamics and numerical relativity. He was the president of the Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity. He coordinates the Valencia group for the Virgo collaboration and is currently the director of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Valencia.




How to Cite

Perucho Pla, M., & Font Roda, J. A. (2021). Violent Universe. High-energy astrophysics and cosmology in the twenty-first century. Metode Science Studies Journal, (7), 140–141.
  • Abstract
  • PDF



Violent universe. High-energy astrophysics and cosmology in the twenty-first century
