Bibliometric analysis through methodological quality indicators of Spanish education journals indexed in JCR during the three year period 2014-2016
Bibliometrics, evaluation research, journals, methods research, quality controlAbstract
This study carries out a bibliometric evaluation through methodological quality indicators of the scientific production published during the triennium of 2014 to 2016 in the seven Spanish education journals of indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR): Revista de Psicodidáctica; Comunicar; Revista de Educación; Educación XX1; Enseñanza de lasCiencias, Revista Española de Pedagogía; y Porta Linguarum. Through a bibliometric-descriptive methodology, a sample of 479 articles selected through a non-probabilistic sampling of deliberate type and validated by experts is analyzed quantitatively to achieve the highest possible agreement. The articles have been retrieved from the electronic version of each of the journals and evaluated from two types of variables: identification and analysis. For the analysis and discussion of the data, the statistical software SPSS v.25 and STATA v.14 were employed. Analysis of a strictly descriptive nature that responds to the research objectives raised has been implemented. Overall, the results obtained indicate that the journals evaluated have achieved levels of compliance with the proposed methodological indicators, which show the excellent methodological quality treasured by these publications, although better in some journals than in others without detriment so that they have also detected methodological indicators that can be improved. These indicators are related, above all, to the non-explicitation of the typologies of methodological approach, of the sampling used, as well as of the quantitative quality criteria (reliability and validity) and of a qualitative nature. Finally, note that there is empirical evidence to support that. the better considered a journal is in JCR, the better it is accredited in regards to methodological quality
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