Occupational hardiness and life satisfaction in Spanish primary school teachers
Occupational Resistance, Education, Teacher, Satisfaction with life, PsychologyAbstract
Objective. The work has multiple objectives: i) to analyze the psychometric properties on a scale of occupational hardiness applied to teachers in Spain; ii) to study the occupational hardiness based on demographic factors, the familiar context and the environment; iii) to predict the degree of satisfaction with life from the variables of the occupational hardiness. Method. A descriptive, transversal and inferential design was used. Occupational Hardiness and Life Satisfaction Scale questionnaires were applied to a sample of 649 active teachers employment. Results. Teachers show a high mean score in the total resistance score M=3.48±.363 (Likert Scale of 1-4), as well as in the Commitment M=3.68±.400, Challenge M=3.51±.461 and Control M=3.24±.516 dimensions. Confirmatory factor analysis showed an adequate adjustment of the scales. Inferential analysis indicated the existence of significant differences in resistance according to sex, years of experience and specialty (p<.05). Differences were found in the dimension of challenge and years of experience; differences in commitment according to sex and specialty; and in control according to type of school and professional status. The resistance variable is the one that contributes the most to predicting life satisfaction
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