Association between motivational climate, school adjustment and family functioning in adolescents




motivational climate, family functioning, school adjustment, adolescents Occupational


The present study seeks to define and contrast an explanatory model of motivational climate, school adjustment and family functioning, and to analyse the existing associations between the aforementioned variables through structural equation analysis. The sample includes 2,134 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years from the province of Granada. Motivational climate (PMCSQ-2), school adjustment (EBAE-10) and family functioning (APGAR) are analysed. A descriptive cross-sectional design is used and the program AMOS 23.0 is employed to construct the multi-group structural equation model. The model showed appropriate fit (χ2 = 241.34; df = 17; p < .001; CFI = .953; NFI = .950; IFI = .953; RMSEA = .079). The present study revealed that task-oriented motivational climates toward assignments generate higher levels of school adjustment within students. In fact, this same motivational climate is directly associated with family functioning, with these being considered positive variables for determining a good climate in the physical education classroom. On the other hand, an ego-oriented motivational climate was inversely related with school adjustment, without being linked to family functioning. All of this reveals the importance of promoting more self-determined types of motivation in the classroom, which encourage cooperation between group members, effort and personal improvement

Author Biographies

Manuel Castro-Sánchez, University of Granada

Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression of the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences at University of Granada. Research lines: Analysis of psychosocial factors, education, physical activity and sport. Postal address: Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. University of Granada - Melilla Campus. Santander Street, 1, 52071 Melilla (Spain).

Félix Zurita-Ortega, University of Granada

Professor of the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression of the Faculty of Education Sciences at University of Granada. Research lines: Analysis of psychosocial factors, education, physical activity and sport. Postal address: Faculty of Education Sciences. Cartuja University Campus, s / n. C.P. 18071 - Granada (Spain).

Eduardo García-Marmol, University of Granada

Associate Professor of the Department of Physical and Sports Education of the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences at University of Granada. Research lines: Analysis of psychosocial factors, education, physical activity and sport. Postal address: Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. University of Granada - Melilla Campus. Santander Street, 1, 52071 Melilla (Spain).

Ramón Chacón-Cuberos, University of Granada

Department of Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education of the Faculty of Education Sciences at University of Granada. Postal addres: Research lines: Analysis of psychosocial factors, education, physical activity and sport. Faculty of Education Sciences. Cartuja University Campus, s / n. C.P. 18071 - Granada (Spain).


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