Analysis of pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education




Educational inclusion, Attitude, Teacher education, Perception, Feeling, Behavior, Prejudice


The rise of global policies, guarantors of a democratic education, materialized in a model of inclusive school for everyone is not yet a tangible reality. Their education policies that are in place do not contribute to it’s cause. From this problem arises the purpose to study such professional education policies, in order to develop a consistent attitude, among professionals, with the acceptance of the otherness and it’s correspondent education requirements. The design followed for this study is quantitative, transversal, non-experimental, descriptive and correlational, making use of two standard and confirmed questioners, given to 712 university graduates, which data underwent different analysis: percentage, central tendency, dispersion, differentials and correlational. It is shown the correct attitude to deal with people with disabilities, as well as, the need to implement strategies to effectively attend to this groups in the academic context, after establishing differences between groups and the scarce consistency of individuals, which prevent us from talking about consolidated patterns.

Author Biographies

Antonio Rodríguez Fuentes, Universidad de Granada

University of Granada. Dpt. Didactic and School Organisation. Professor. Doctor in Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, guest professor at various universities in Europe (France, Italy and Portugal), America (Colombia, Cuba, USA, Panama, Peru and Ecuador) and Africa (Morocco). His preferred line of research is the attention to diversity within the framework of the inclusive school, of which he has published national and international books and articles. Thus, the last international project conducted has been on "Analysis of the Written Competence of Students with Disabilities in the Republic of Panama", sponsored by the country's government, and a national project on "Attitudes of Teachers in Training and Practice towards Inclusive Education".

María Jesús Caurcel Cara, Universidad de Granada

Lecturer. University of Granada Doctor in Psychopedagogy, member of the research group "Psychological and educational attention to diversity (HUM846)" and of the Mind, Brain and Behaviour Research Centre of the University of Granada. Guest professor at various universities in Europe (Portugal, Italy and Austria). Author of research articles in various impact journals (WOS, Scopus...) in the field of Education and Psychology, as well as books and chapters in prestigious publishing houses (Dykinson, Author-House, Comares, Pirámide, EOS...). She has participated in research projects financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (I+D+i), the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services. Its main lines of research are attention to diversity, inclusive education, inclusive leadership, teacher training, ICT, Cyberbullyin and Sexting.


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