Review of cognitive development programs. The Instrumental Enrichment Program (IEP))


  • Manuel Serrano Liceo Hispano
  • Rosabel Tormo Liceo Hispano



PEI, Instrumental Enrichment Program, Mediated Learning Experience, DALP, Dynamic Assessment of Learning Potential, Mediator, Theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability


This article shows, from a review of the cognitive development programs proposed by authors such as Nickerson, Perkins and Smith, on the one hand, and Carlos Yuste, on the other, getting to know the work of R. Feuerstein and his theory on Structural Cognitive Modifiability. With a different assessment model -DALP or Dynamic Assessment of Learning Potential-, Feuerstein gets to know the learning potential and the level of cognitive functioning, in order to improve them in culturally deprived people with low school performance through the IEP - Instrumental Enrichment Program-. The Theory of Structural Modifiability considers the organism as a system open to change and modification and introduces the figure of the Mediator.

Author Biographies

Manuel Serrano, Liceo Hispano

Director del gabinete psicopedagógico del Colegio Liceo Hispano, en Paterna (Valencia)

Rosabel Tormo, Liceo Hispano

Pedagoga. Miembro del Gabinete Psicopedagógico en el Colegio Liceo Hispano de Paterna (Valencia)


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