Application of the CIPP model in the study of factors that promote intercultural sensitivity
Intercultural sensitivity, Cultural diversity, Social indexes, Profiles of intercultural sensitivity, Social diagnosisAbstract
The present study proposes a group of factors (related to self, context and process) favouring the development of intercultural sensitivity. A social diagnosis was performed in the Spanish province of Castellón in order to identify these factors by means of a correlational study. A non-probabilistic but representative sample consisting of 995 people from 37 different countries living in this province was used. Data were collected by means of an adaptation of the scale proposed by Chen and Starosta (2000) for the assessment of intercultural sensitivity. Results showed four profiles, and their main characteristics were studied. Variables such as country of origin, gender, academic background, number of languages spoken, or the experience of living in a foreign country revealed to have a positive influence on the development of this attitude.References
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