Evaluation of the impact of training effort in workers employability within the institutional Spanish training model


  • Antonio Ramírez-del-Río Systeme, Innovación y Consultoría
  • Jorgina Garrido Casas Systeme, Innovación y Consultoría




Employability, labour market, social outcome, profesional training, training paradigm, training assessment, training results, training impact.


The association between quantity of training and employability was analysed through a non experimental research with two non equivalent groups. The operationalization of training quantity is considered to provide an indicator of training effort. Thus, training effort (number of courses) was analysed as the independent variable and employability as dependent variable (occupation indicators, activity enhancement and job performance). The results show that training is related to activity enhancement, specially when workers belong to a small/medium enterprise (SME) and/or to technical or qualified positions. A positive association between training and performance also appeared in the case of SMEs.


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