PISA and scientific competence: an analysis of the PISA tests in the Area of Science


  • Monsalud Gallardo-Gil
  • Manuel Fernández-Navas Universidad de Málaga
  • María-Pilar Sepúlveda-Ruiz Universidad de Málaga
  • María-José Serván Universidad de Málaga
  • Rafael Yus Universidad de Málaga
  • Javier Barquín Universidad de Málaga




Assessment, Evaluation, Education, Skills, Competence, PISA, Sciences


This work is part of an investigation focusing on the educational evaluation of the skill of Learning how to Learn, which addresses the issue of basic skills that students needs to develop to function throughout life in the contemporary social context. One purpose of the study is to analyze the potential of external and diagnostics evaluations to estimate the level of acquisition of these skills. Focusing on a methodology of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the PISA tests released in the specific area of Science (2000-2006), we conclude that these tests require scientific skills of low complexity, with marked presence of mere reproduction. In addition, we appreciate the gap between the concept of competence proposed DeSeCo and what PISA really evaluates according to the results obtained in the area of Science.




Research Articles