Design and psychometric properties of AVACO-EVADIE. Questionnaire for the evaluation of the diversity attention as an educational dimension in the school institutions


  • Chantal Biencinto-López
  • Coral González-Barbera
  • Mercedes García-García
  • Purificación Sánchez-Delgado Universitat de València
  • Dolores Madrid-Vivar Universidad de Málaga



Diversity attention, context variables, inclusive approach, evaluation of educational systems


This article shows the process taken to design and identify the psychometric properties of the evaluation instrument construct Diversity Attention as a context variable. For that, the starting point is a brief revision of different instruments used to collect information on diversity, not only cultural but also social, linguistic or on capacities. After that, and assuming a classification of the different theoretical approaches, a first instrument is made, committing ourselves to an inclusive approach. After that, its validation is made by experts and its pilot study is carried on. Reliability analysis of the instrument helps us to conclude that the questionnaire is reliable on collecting information regarding how schools face diversity attention.

Author Biographies

Chantal Biencinto-López

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Coral González-Barbera

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Mercedes García-García

Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Research Articles