Compensatory education: recent effects from a classic study (High/Scope)
Compensatory education, Preschool Curriculum Comparison Study, Direct Instruction, Nursery School, High/Scope School, Perry Preschool Study, Longitudi-nal studies, Disadvantaged children, Learning transfer, Cost-benefit analyse
This article analyzes two studies which prove that educating socially disadvantaged children in their early years is worthwhile in both the short term and long term. These two complementary studies –Perry and Curriculum-, promoted by the High/Scope Foundation in the sixties, evaluated the efficacy of their programmes at various moments until the sample reached age 40 (Perry) and age 23 (Curriculum). We describe the studies and their educational programmes, analyze methodological issues related to longitudinal studies (sample, validity and variables) and show the results from both their early school ages and later in their adult lives. Finally, we discuss the modificability of intelligence, the transfer of learning and the cost-benefit analysis of the programmes.
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