Differences in the knowledge of the technological resources in professors starting for gender, age and center type


  • Gonzalo Almerich Universitat de València
  • Jesús M. Suárez-Rodríguez Universitat de València
  • Natividad Orellana Universitat de València
  • Consuelo Belloch Universitat de València
  • Rosa Bo Universitat de València
  • Irene Gastaldo Universitat de València




Information and Communication Technologies, techno-logical competencies, teaching staff, gender, age, educational institution


The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education supposes that faculty must possess competencies for it. In this paper, it is analyzed how gender, age and type of educational institution influence teacher’s knowledge about different technological resources. The study is based in a survey design, whose population is made up of teachers from Primary and Secondary educational institutions in the Comunidad Valenciana, both public as private ones. The sample is composed of 868 teachers and the questionnaire is the instrument of collection of the information. The results, obtained by means of ANOVA model, indicate that the variable gender is the one that most influences in the knowledge of faculty’s technological resources, while age and type of educational institution present smaller influence. Therefore, the personal and contextual factors influence in the knowledge of technological resources on the part of faculty and they must consider carrying out the appropriate formative actions.


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