Virtual communities, research groups and projects on IMS Learning Design. State of the art, key factors and forthcoming challenges


  • Daniel Burgos Open University of the Netherlands
  • Rob Koper Open University of the Netherlands



IMS Learning Design, e-learning standard, interoperability, re-use, unit of learning


We carry out a report showing the state of the art about virtual communities, research groups and projects focused on the e-learning specification IMS Learning Design or directly related to it. This specification is currently becoming the most flexible and supported de facto standard for modelling full learning processes, as a complement for any structure of educational contents. Afterwards, as a consequence of the previous study, we develop a reading and a further analysis of the current panorama, and describe the key factors that show the relevance and impact of IMS Learning Design and also the main forthcoming challenges.


IMS (2001) Content Packaging. Boston, USA : IMS Global Consortium. Disponible en: Último acceso: 5 de agosto de 2005

IMS (2003) Simple Sequencing. Boston, USA : IMS Global Consortium. Disponible en: Último acceso: 5 de agosto de 2005

IMS (2003a) IMS Learning Design. Information Model, Best Practice and Implementation Guide, XML Binding, Schemas. Version 1.0 Final Specification. Boston, USA : IMS Global Consortium. Disponible en: Último acceso: 5 de agosto de 2005 ADL (2000). Sharable Object Reference Model, SCORM. Disponible en: Último acceso: 29 de abril de 2005

Burgos, D., Berbegal, N., Griffiths, D., Tattersall, C., Koper, R. (2005) IMS Learning Design: How specifications could change the current e-learning landscape. e-Learning World, issue 2, March-April 2005. ISSN: 1811-069X. Moscow, Russia: Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics – MESI. Disponible en: Último acceso: 1 de agosto de 2005

Koper, Rob; Tattersall, Colin (2005) Learning Design: A Handbook on Modelling and Delivering Networked Education and Training. Germany: Springer Verlag




Research Articles