Curriculum characterisation assessed in sixth grade in mathematics. A descriptive study in Valparaiso, Chile


  • Gloria Contreras Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso



Assessment, assessment of learning, mathematics, assessment impact, written tests, grading


This article presents the main results of the investigation Curriculum Characterisation Assessed in Sixth Grade Mathematics: Guidelines for the Initial and Continuous Training of Teachers, which aims to describe and analyse what is being evaluated in sixth grade mathematics and how, in the region of Valparaiso, Chile.  A total of 103 written mathematic tests conducive to grading from 27 educational institutions were analysed.  A group of codes refers to both the formal aspects and mathematical contents, while mathematical skills were applied to these tests and respective questions (2,516). Researchers conclude students are mainly required to provide close and unique answers, which evaluate the memorization and solution of exercises in a mechanical way, and the coverage level of the curriculum prescribed by the Ministry of Education is low, where most mathematical contents and abilities are below the sixth grade level

Author Biography

Gloria Contreras, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Professor of Mathematics and Physics, MA in Educational Evaluation and Doctor of Sciences of Education. She specializes in assessment of learning in the classroom, at different levels of education, with emphasis on the formative potential of assessment. Her address: 1290 Forest Avenue, Viña del Mar, V Region, Chile


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