Gender Biases in Editorial Policy of Spaniard Scientific Journals in the Field of the Education


  • Mª José Mayorga Fernández Universidad de Málaga
  • Vicenta Mª Ruiz Baeza Universidad de Málaga



Gender, editorial board, biases, scientific journals, Education, status of eminence Spain


This study analyses the status of gender which exists in the editorial teams or boards of Spanish journals in the field of educational. It also inquires into the possible bias relative to gender in the pyramid of eminence of Spanish educational researchers. As complementary analysis, the nationality or origin of the members of the editorial boards of the journals of education is considered. The main findings expose a strong bias against women when considering  journal editors.

Author Biography

Vicenta Mª Ruiz Baeza, Universidad de Málaga

Licenciada en Pedagogía, y becaria de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía. Colaboradora en el Grupo de Investigación HUMO369


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