Differences of stude nts and faculty on the di f ficult i e s to implement the formative assessment
Formative Assessment, Participative assessment, Higher Education, Teachers Perception, University Students PerceptionAbstract
Formative Assessment shows a clear change in how to approach the evaluation of university teaching. The application of Formative Assessment is not without some controversy, and above all difficulties due to students and teachers having different perspectives. The objective of the present study was to check the differences of students and teachers when formative assessment systems are designed and put into practice. A questionnaire was used for students (N = 3013) and a report prepared by the teachers (N = 46). Both were taken from the academic year 2012-13. The results show that formative assessment is quite demanding for students, but also that students are highly satisfied with it, particularly with grades. A problem that the students reflect seems to be the accumulation of work at the end of the process, which is paradoxical and will requires further research in the future. Teachers also show a high satisfaction with this type of assessment, even if they have a greater workload. There are few differences between the two groups (students and teachers). The study proposes recommendations for implementation in terms of design and planning for future research. The limitations of the research can be seen in terms of participating in the study population, so the results can be generalizedReferences
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