Proposed methodology for assessing guidance educational programs


  • Josefina Hernández Fernández Universidad de Murcia
  • Pilar Martínez Clares Universidad de Murcia



Guidance, evaluation


In this paper the authors present a model of evaluating guidance programs; it is bassed on the asumption that evaluation a) is a process designed to provide data for management decisions, b) both during the planning and the implementation stages. The model offers an approach to program evaluation on five steps and suggests the following questions to be asked in each of them:

1- Theoretical asumptions. Evaluators must state reasons for evaluation: Why and on behalf of whom the evluation will be started?

2-Program viability: What program will be evaluated? Does this program fit the needs of the target group?

3- Program evaluability: Is it really possible to evaluate this particular program?

4- Process evaluation: Were the plans implemented as designed?

5.- Product evaluation: Wich outcomes have been reached? Every step is important and must relate to each preceding an succeeding step in order to demonstrate that it is done what program designers want to be done... Accordingly to this evaluation model, it is the best way to make decissions about a program.

Author Biography

Josefina Hernández Fernández, Universidad de Murcia

Facultad de Educación. Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación


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