The evaluation of teachers' thinking processes in urban contexts: a case study in Primary Schools in Guatemala


  • Alfredo J. Artiles University of California, Los Angeles



Teachers, cognition, thinking, professional development



Research on teacher thought processes is alarmingly scarce in the developing world. This case study addressed this important need by assessing the cognitions of three experienced and three novice teachers in urban elementary schools in Guatemala City. The case study aimed to discern (a) differences in the cognitions of these groups of teachers, (b) the link between teacher cognitions and teacher instructional practices, and (c) the impact of thinking and teaching variables in student engagement rates. Teacher attributions for student failure, teacher interactive thinking, teacher instructional practices, and student engagement were assessed. Although distinct patterns of teacher thinking were identified in these two groups of teachers, differences in their teaching styles and student outcomes were not identified until these data were analyzed in the contexts in which the cognitive variables were collected. Arguments related to the stages of teacher professional development and to the urban school contexts are used to discuss the findings and their implications.

Author Biography

Alfredo J. Artiles, University of California, Los Angeles

Graduate School of Education & Information Studies. University of California, Los Angeles


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