Validation of a Questionnaire on Work and Learning Habits for Future Professionals: Exploring Personal Learning Environments


  • Maria Paz Prendes-Espinosa University of Murcia
  • Linda Castañeda-Quintero University of Murcia
  • Isabel María Solano-Fernández University of Murcia
  • Rosabel Roig-Vila University of Alicante
  • Mª Victoria Aguiar-Perera Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • José Luis Serrano-Sánchez University of Murcia



Personal Learning Environments, questionnaire validity, PLE, self-perception, information management, management of the learning process, communication


This article describes the entire process of validating the data collection instrument of the CAPPLE project.

The validation of the instrument (an online survey) aims to ensure the reliability, validity, relevance and functionality of the collection process. Hence, a validation method based on three complementary procedures has been chosen: expert judgement by eight experts in three consecutive rounds; a round of cognitive interviews with 24 subjects on 10 critical items, and a pilot study with 400 invited subjects, of which 224 are considered the final sample.

Following the completion of the three methods described, we get an instrument that meets the validation criteria, configured by four basic dimensions (self-perception, information management, management of the learning process and communication) and that could be considered as a very useful tool in the study of Personal Learning Environments of university students

Author Biographies

Maria Paz Prendes-Espinosa, University of Murcia

Pedagogist, Doctor in Pedagogy by the University of Murcia, professor of the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Murcia and director of the Research Group of Educational Technology of the same institution. Director of several national and international projects of ICT implementation in educational contexts and Principal Investigator of the CAPPLE project. Her postal address is Dpto. de Didáctica y Organización Escolar, Facultad de Educación. Campus de Espinardo - Universidad de Murcia. 30100-Murcia (Spain)

Linda Castañeda-Quintero, University of Murcia

Doctor in Educational Technology by the University of the Balearic Islands. Professor of the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Murcia and member of the Research Group of Educational Technology of the University of Murcia. Her postal address is Dpto. de Didáctica y Organización Escolar, Facultad de Educación. Campus de Espinardo - Universidad de Murcia. 30100-Murcia (Spain)

Isabel María Solano-Fernández, University of Murcia

Pedagogist, Doctor in Pedagogy by the University of Murcia and Professor of the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Murcia and member of the Research Group of Educational Technology of the University of Murcia. Her postal address is Dpto. de Didáctica y Organización Escolar, Facultad de Educación. Campus de Espinardo - Universidad de Murcia. 30100-Murcia (Spain)

Rosabel Roig-Vila, University of Alicante

Doctor in Pedagogy by the University of Alicante and professor of the Area of Didactics and School Organization in the Department of General and Specific Didactics of this same University. Editor of the scientific educational journal Journal of New Approaches in the Educational Research and director of the Master in Education and Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Alicante. Her postal address is Universidad de Alicante, Apdo. de correos 99, 03080-Alicante (Spain).

Mª Victoria Aguiar-Perera, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

PhD in Psychopedagogy from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and a Full Professor of the University teaching in New Technologies applied to education since 1993. Her postal address is Calle Juana de Arco, 1. ES35004 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

José Luis Serrano-Sánchez, University of Murcia

Doctor in Educational Technology by the University of the Balearic Islands. Pedagogist, Master of Psychology of Education by the University of Murcia. Professor of the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Murcia and member of the Research Group of Educational Technology of the University of Murcia. His  postal address is Dpto. de Didáctica y Organización Escolar, Facultad de Educación. Campus de Espinardo - Universidad de Murcia. 30100-Murcia (Spain)


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