Study of the Portfolios in the Practicum: Analysis of a PLE-Portfolio


  • Manuel Cebrián-de-la-Serna University of Malaga
  • Antonio Bartolomé-Pina University of Barcelona
  • Daniel Cebrián-Robles University of Malaga
  • Mayerly Ruiz-Torres Catholic University of Manizales



Higher Education, Practicum, Tutoring, Portfolio Assessment, Rubric, Video Annotation


The portfolios have proven effective in university education when they show certain prerequisites, for instance, the ratio. The specialized literature agrees to notice that even existing some conditions, it is not a generalized methodology at universities. In the new grades and knowledge areas is found the subject of external practices that would be able to show conditions for using the portfolios. Whereas, there are some questions in the educational area: What conditions exist for the use of the portfolios in the Practicum of the education grades in Spain? What level of utilization are evident? What problems of understanding, the students express about the documentation of evidences in portfolios? The research performs a mixed methodology: a first quantitative study with descriptive methodology, interview to 31 coordinators of Practicum of all grades in 10 (20%) Faculty of Education, along with a qualitative study and content analysis of 256 Practicum guides of all grades of 36 (72%) Faculties of Education of public universities in Spain. A second case study, perform a content analysis of 592 annotations of 212 students to show and evaluate the evidences in ePortfolios of the Practicum of the degree of Pedagogy. The results reveal that there are 11 students per tutor 2,88h medium for tutoring and assess ePortfolios. Being mail (between 37.77% and 46.66%) followed by the platforms most used technologies. The eRúbricas and video annotations help document the evidence, however, students still show difficulties in some competences.

Author Biographies

Manuel Cebrián-de-la-Serna, University of Malaga

The portfolios have proven effective in university education when they show certain prerequisites, for instance, the ratio. The specialized literature agrees to notice that even existing some conditions, it is not a generalized methodology at universities. In the new grades and knowledge areas is found the subject of external practices that would be able to show conditions for using the portfolios. Whereas, there are some questions in the educational area: What conditions exist for the use of the portfolios in the Practicum of the education grades in Spain? What level of utilization are evident? What problems of understanding, the students express about the documentation of evidences in portfolios? The research performs a mixed methodology: a first quantitative study with descriptive methodology, interview to 31 coordinators of Practicum of all grades in 10 (20%) Faculty of Education, along with a qualitative study and content analysis of 256 Practicum guides of all grades of 36 (72%) Faculties of Education of public universities in Spain. A second case study, perform a content analysis of 592 annotations of 212 students to show and evaluate the evidences in ePortfolios of the Practicum of the degree of Pedagogy. The results reveal that there are 11 students per tutor 2,88h medium for tutoring and assess ePortfolios. Being mail (between 37.77% and 46.66%) followed by the platforms most used technologies. The eRúbricas and video annotations help document the evidence, however, students still show difficulties in some competences

Antonio Bartolomé-Pina, University of Barcelona

[ORCID: 0000-0002-8096-8278] University of Barcelona (Spain). Accredited as full professor. Resident in Barcelona. Expertise in Media and learning technologies.

Daniel Cebrián-Robles, University of Malaga

[ORCID: 0000-0002-3768-1511] PhD in Engineering and Education. University of Malaga (Spain). Interim Substitute Teacher at the University of Malaga. Expertise in Science Didactics and developing webtools for Education. See background at:

Mayerly Ruiz-Torres, Catholic University of Manizales

[ORCID: 0000-0002-2172-0395]. PhD from the University of Malaga. Professor at the Catholic University of Manizales (Colombia). Resident in Manizales (Colombia). Expertise in university teaching and learning.


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