The Smartphone in the teaching-learning-assessment in Higher Education. Perceptions of teachers and students
Formative Assessment, Higher Education, Smartphone, Student´s perceptions, Teacher’s perceptionsAbstract
Smartphone is the mobile device which at present is having the best acceptance among the public worldwide, symbolizing an Internet mobile revolution. Although the impact of emerging technologies and forms of communication in society is undeniable, in education, it is still a challenge. Therefore, the objectives of this work are focused on detecting the implementation of Smartphone as a tool to the service of the teaching, learning and assessment for teachers and students of higher education, and know the benefits and difficulties appreciated by teachers and university students, related with the introduction of Smartphone in the teaching, learning and assessment processes. For this they have been designed, validated and implemented tools for collecting quantitative and qualitative information, using two questionnaires, one for teachers (n = 311) and other for students (n = 483) and two focus groups with students (n = 6) and teachers (n = 6). The results show that, despite the low implementation Smartphone teaching, teachers and students perceive more benefits than difficulties with its introduction in university classrooms.References
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