ICT skills of university students in the field of education and its relationship with learning strategies
Technological competencies, Information and Communication Technologies, university students, learning strategiesAbstract
This study corresponds with the university environment context, and specifically with the educational environment of the students, since they are the main protagonists in their learning process. The aim is to analyze the ICT competences (technological, educational and ethical) of University students in the field of education and their corresponding relationship with appropriate learning strategies. In addition, several significant personal and contextual variables are taken into account in the developed approach applied. The reference population of the study is represented by undergraduate students within the educational environment scope at the University of Valencia. The suited information has been collected through questionnaires. The study has shown that, regarding the ICT competences (technological, pedagogical and ethical), there is a corresponding influence found within the learning strategies of the students, especially within those related to the processing of information. The results obtained by this study have allowed for an in depth analysis of the relationship between the ICT competences and learning strategies that students activate in the teaching-learning process; moreover, allowing for the obtainment of valuable insight about factors which influence relative personal and contextual variables.References
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